Hi, this is New York Pedicabs, Inc., with our legacy d/b/a: Manhattan Rickshaw Company.
Ever since 1995. We started the high performance pedicab movement in Manhattan, using pedicabs from Colorado USA – manufactured by Main Street Pedicabs and Main Street Mobility. We’re NYC’s longest continuously (longest-ish– see below) operating pedicab company. We co-founded and co-mentored this industry and we’ve been here ever since, keeping it real, or trying to. Thanks for stopping by.
PAUSED OPERATIONS: for your information, just prior to November of 2022 – the primary insurance underwriter to the U.S. pedicab industry announced it was no longer insuring pedicab operations, causing operators across the country to scramble and find other options. Manhattan Rickshaw Company has paused its operations until it finds suitable coverage at a reasonable price. If you have contacted us during this period, you’ve been met with messaging that supports this. We won’t operate for hire service without coverage. That said, we will do our best to refer you to other operators that we know about who have obtained liability insurance. In the meantime, we are tweaking our equipment, modernizing the fleet, and looking forward to getting back on the road!
We are an industry leader in human-powered pedicab event production and media activation. See what we mean by our commitment to this sustainable form of transportation and special event production. Consider mobile branding, which we prefer to call “performance media,” for your next outdoor media activation or event. If you have special needs that require no motorized assistance during your travel, we are stubbornly old fashioned in that regard. But we make up for it with lightweight materials and components. Motorized pedicabs are frequently so heavy as to outweigh the motorized advantage.
We are updating this site. Please excuse this work-in-progress website as we bring the entire site up to date.

Hope to see you aboard soon. Our newest pedicab, the beautiful white European Velocab seen below, is now available for hire for special events in NYC.
While we continue to revise the website and update all of our legacy pages, feel free to email us at info[at]manhattanrickshaw[dot]com.

Our logo above was originally designed by New Hampshire artist Matt Brown,
who specializes in Japanese woodblock handmade prints. You can find out
more about Matt Brown here: https://ooloopress.com/index6/